Description of Project

50 Jubilee Year Pilgrims
--From Hawaii, California, Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, Virginia & Washington --
Move Their Hearts, Minds, Souls and Feet
For You

(1) PRE-DEPARTURE. Undergraduate students from my Intro to Iberian Studies class at the University of Hawaii (LLEAS 360C) researched and presented one of the sites to be visited as their final research project.

(2) PILGRIMAGE. Live reporting (May 29 - June 11, 2010).

(3) POSTSCRIPT. Zaragoza (via Tarrega).

Saturday, April 24, 2010


As their final project, my students in LAIS 360C: Introduction to Iberian Studies are preparing some pre-departure materials for the pilgrims.


One of my students put me to the test:

-- You should blog about the pilgrimage.

While I was already planning on documenting the trip, it had not occurred to me to blog. Subsequent requests to blog about the upcoming journey only added to the motivation.

Thus said, I am pleased to introduce --From Fatima to Montserrat -- a blog about the pilgrimage I hope to take this summer through Portugal, Spain and France with approximately fifty other people.