Description of Project

50 Jubilee Year Pilgrims
--From Hawaii, California, Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, Virginia & Washington --
Move Their Hearts, Minds, Souls and Feet
For You

(1) PRE-DEPARTURE. Undergraduate students from my Intro to Iberian Studies class at the University of Hawaii (LLEAS 360C) researched and presented one of the sites to be visited as their final research project.

(2) PILGRIMAGE. Live reporting (May 29 - June 11, 2010).

(3) POSTSCRIPT. Zaragoza (via Tarrega).

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The student who compiled the set of slides related to Fatima would like to remain anonymous. We will arrive in Fatima on the heels of a visit by Pope Benedict XVI. The Holy Father will be in Fatima on May 13 to remember Pope John Paul II and the 29th anniversary of the assassination attempt on his life (5/13/1981).


1917: Three Portuguese children herding their sheep witnessed the apparition of a woman "brighter than the sun." (May 13). For the next six months the Virgin Mary visited the children every 13th day of the month. In August, the secularist (freemason) local administration arrested and detained the children. On the 19th day of that month, the Virgin appeared to the children. They were interrogated for the content of the secrets she confided in them. On October 13 approximately 70,000 people gathered to witness the apparition. According to all written testimony, the sun rotated wildly and changed colors.

1930: After canonical inquiry, the visions of Fatima were officially declared "worthy of belief." By this point over 2 million people made pilgrimages to the site

1938: In February the Pope dies, just as one of the children, Lucia, had predicted according to the visions (the second secret of Fatima).

1940s: The Church asks Lucia to write the secrets on paper.

1981: Unsuccessful assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II

2000: The third secret is revealed predicting the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.

2007: The fourth largest Catholic Church was constructed in Fatima

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